PANTONE to HEX Color conversion
This page does exactly as it says – it converts any given Pantone color code to it’s hex (or hexadecimal) representation.
If you have already attempted that on your own, you may know by now, that the process is not entirely straightforward. Luckily, we do have a certain set of online tools to help you achieve such conversion (or rather match your given Pantone color to the best fitting hex color counterpart).
The process is opposite, more accurate and even easier that trying to pinpoint closest Pantone to hex color code of your choice. Ofcourse we also do that, so if you need to convert hex to pantone, please navigate to this page.
Converted from PANTONE P 117-16 C
Enter PANTONE Color Code |
Change: HEX Code ⇄ PANTONE Click here to swap (No code? Browse codes) |
Important: To perform color conversion between Pantone and HEX color, you must provide valid Pantone color code.
First of all, make sure that your code is actually Pantone color code and it is formed correctly. Most commonly pantone codes will be marked with “Pantone” brand label to start with. Then, a certain mix of letters and numbers follows with spaces in between them.
Please note, that pantone has different color collections that might have slightly different denominations and code structures. It could be as simple and short as “PMS 293 c” or more complicated like “Pantone p 48-8 c” or even “PANTONE 19-1518 TCX Puce“
In this conversion from Pantone to HEX, we use mathematical approximation to find best hexadecimal representation of predefined Pantone spot color. There is a certain challenge to match Pantone colors from physical world to those of digital hex samples on your computer screen, which might lead to minor discrepancies. However, we do hope that this Pantone to HEX color conversion tool serves you well in your project.