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Compare NCS to RAL side by side

NCS to RAL Classic matching is a free web-based service, where you can pick a color from NCS 1950 Index and compare it to RAL Classic color system.

Just pick an NCS color on the select box and scroll along the page. This way you will easily find the closest matching color in the RAL Classic scale. Putting these colors side by side will help you to visually compare any NCS and RAL color and find best matching colors. For more information on how this matching works see here.

Please note: This tool is for manual matching, it is also limited to RAL Classic palette. If you want to run automatic conversion between NCS and RAL, please use NCS to RAL Converter instead. The automatic conversion tool also supports conversion to RAL Design which is also widely used among design professionals and construction industry.

Select NCS Color for matching


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