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Compare colors side by side

This is a quite simple color comparison tool for everyday use. It offers the ability to compare different hues from various palettes together in order to find the perfect color that you are looking for.

The interface allows you to perform partial match search for each color. This way you can easily add colors on either side of the screen in order to see how it looks next to another. It also saves recently compared colors automatically so you can quickly get back to your previous colors as well as browse through other color comparison sets.

Left side color:

Right side color:

Creating a color palette is not an easy task. There are many things to consider before picking the right colors for your design. Color theory, psychology, context are some factors that determine what colors should be chosen. There are many tools available online that allow you to compare two different colors side by side to get a better idea of which one is more suitable for your design. On this site we strive to assist you in every way possible.

This tool will give you insight on how the two selected colors will interact with each other and also help you to spot similarities as well as pinpoint differences between paint colors that comes form various manufacturers and brand labels. This side by side color tool can be used to compare colors quickly and explore color combinations. The colors are organized into a grid that allows you to easily compare them side by side in one click. It can be used in various ways such as previewing different colors together in a cohesive palette, comparing the difference between two colors, sending a link of comparison to a colleague, designer or saving the preview for later.