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RAL to CMYK Conversion

RAL to CMYK conversion comes very naturally, because most of RAL colors already have CMYK values associated with each RAL code. On this page you can easily obtain CMYK codes for both RAL Classic and RAL Design color ranges (don’t forget to use appropriate input field for either of these color collections).

Converting RAL to CMYK on this page is very simple. Just paste your RAL code (but not the color name though) and hit convert button for instant conversion results on your screen. Also, make sure to use only RAL codes, as this converter is not suitable for NCS, Pantone and other popular color codes. For other types of conversion you can browse “converter” section from the top menu on this page. You can also quickly switch between RAL to CMYK and CMYK to RAL converters.

CMYK color value:

0% 80% 100% 10%

Converted from RAL-2010 (RAL Classic chart)
RAL Classic to CMYK
Enter RAL Classic color code
(No code? Browse all)
RAL Design to CMYK
Enter RAL Design color code
(No code? Browse all)

Important: This input form is very strict when it comes to input code format, the only acceptable format is RAL-000-00-00 or RAL 000 00 00 for RAL Design codes and RAL-0000 and RAL 0000 for RAL Classic codes.