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Color converter HEX to RAL

HEX to RAL Classic converter concluded, that RAL-6035 (Pearl green) is considered best match for input hex color #284906. Please keep in mind, that this conversion was limited to RAL Classic color chart. You can easily broaden this search (and possibly get more accurate match) by running a new conversion with RAL Design colour chart included. Click here for new conversion.

HEX Color

HEX Code:#284906
HEX Color name:  (?)
RGB Decimal:40, 73, 6
RGB Float:0.157, 0.286, 0.024
CMYK Percentage:45, 0, 92, 71
HEX Color 284906 to RAL 6035 Conversion comparison

RAL Color

RAL Number:RAL 6035
RAL Name:Pearl green
RAL Chart:RAL Classic
RGB Decimal:16, 79, 42
RGB Float:0.063, 0.31, 0.165
CMYK Percentage:80, 0, 47, 69

Compare colors side by side

Left side color:

Right side color:

Other matches based on this HEX code

Simmilar or marginally close HEX code represents these equivalent colors between various brands and color standards. You can easily see the details (HEX, RGB, CMYK and more) of any listed color, just click the name and navigate to the color's subpage.

Australian Standard AS2700 / #4F6B32 / FERN GREEN (G24)
BS 2660 Colours for building and decorative paints / #18482A / Mid Brunswick Green (BS2660-6074)
British Standard BS 381C:1996 / #406A28 / Light Brunswick Green (BS381C-225)
BS4800-5252 for colour-coordination in building construction / #4D5B2E / Orchard (12-C-39)
Jotun paint colour catalogue / #48694A / OLIVER GREEN (0257)
Munsell Color System / #374C17 / 7.5gy 3/6
NCS 1950 Index colur chart / #455B1C / S 5540-G40Y
AMS Standard 595a / #567C43 / Oxygen tank green / ANA 503 (14187)
Behr paint / #2B5D35 / Green Bottle (PPH-60)
Benjamin Moore paint colours / #146A39 / Seaweed (2035-10)
Dulux color palette / #2D3D39 / MALLARD GREEN
Dulux Trade Paints / #286A36 / Dublin Bay 2 (70GY 11/387)
Dunn-Edwards perfect palette / #4A754A / Spring Juniper (DEA128)
Dutch Boy paint colors / #466B41 / Sweet Green Pepper (DB621-3)
Farrow and ball colours / #686A47 / Bancha (298)
Federal Standard 595c / #577B41 / Oxygen tank green / ANA 503 (14187)
Hallman Lindsay paints / #5D6942 / Baby Vegetable (753)
Isomat color system / #446F40 / LPC 1475
Kelly Moore paint colors / #42733D / A DUCHESS GREEN (64)
Kilz paint colors / #5A7345 / Pickle Juice (LG270-02)
Little Greene paint colors / #626446 / Olive colour (LG 72)
Matthews Paint Colors / #575B0F / Prickly Pear (MP56060)
PPG Pittsburgh Paints Colors / #4D663E / Mountain Forest (1130-7)
Sherwin-Williams paint colors / #245E36 / Derbyshire (SW 6741)
Tikkurila paint colours / #647A49 / Basilica (M384)
Trumatch paint colors / #006B35 / Trumatch 19-a7 (19-a7)
Valspar Paint Colors / #567244 / French Olive (6010-8)
Vista paint colors / #537640 / Dark Drama (K-336)
Pantone CMYK Color Guide / #2B621D / PANTONE P 156-16 C
Pantone Metallics / #577F46 / PANTONE 8702 C
Pantone Premium Metallics Coated / #637536 / PANTONE 10333 C
Pantone Solid Coated / #445026 / PANTONE 574 C
Pantone Solid Uncoated / #51754B / PANTONE 364 U
RAL Classic / #104F2A / Pearl green (RAL 6035)
RAL Design / #2A4F21 / RAL 140 30 30
Sikkens 4041 Color concept / #3C5429 / J4.44.25
Sikkens 5051 Color concept / #3D6940 / K5.47.30
Tiger Drylac / #527445 / 059/51648 SD Deer Green

Matching HEX in RAL Palette

RGB HEX Values
    • R 40
    • G 73
    • B 6
  • CMYK HEX Values
    • C 45
    • M 0
    • Y 92
    • K 71
  • RGB RAL Values
    • R 16
    • G 79
    • B 42
  • CMYK RAL Values
    • C 80
    • M 0
    • Y 47
    • K 69
  • HEX to RAL Converter is using RGB color space as an intermediate link to compare colors. We do understand, that limited range of RAL Color chart hardly restricts our possibility to produce feasible results for any given color, but in most cases we find these results to be close enough and generally acceptable.