Vista Deep Loden Green LRV Value
• You can find more useful details about Deep Loden Green or compare it to other similar colors using color matching tools on our website.
Your color of choice has a light reflectance value of 9.01 %. Light reflectance value is important in color design and other areas. For example, it is generally considered that a 70% Light Reflectance Value (LRV) contrast between sign text and surrounding background color is an optimal guideline to follow when evaluating colored surface and finish materials. Most major paint manufacturers include LRV values for their colors in their color collection charts. These values can be used in the manual calculation below.
Practice has shown that the 70% figure is not a magic number. The contrasts of a few percentage points below the recommended figure, depending on the colors in question, can often yield satisfactory results. Mostly because all colors interact differently. For one color of a particular hue, the perception of lightness is also more intense if we increase saturation. For example, a saturated yellow will always look brighter than a saturated blue. The practicality of this application is incredibly useful for directing attention to specific points.
Interestingly, LRV is not widely considered important by homeowners and renovators. But we don’t want to agree on this. In fact, the careful planning in respect to Light Reflectance Value can result in a better look for a building, and even save energy costs and add to the overall beauty of the premises. Home and business owners should make better use of LRV color property to make their buildings more energy efficient and to give it an appropriate look.