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HEX Color

RAL Color

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HEX Color to convert

This is where you paste in the HEX code. You can also pick a HEX code from our color library here.

RAL 2008
(click to change)

RAL Color to convert

This is where you paste in the RAL code. You can also pick a RAL code from our color library here.

RAL Color picker from image

RAL From image

Upload image to determine RAL colors using color picker.



Convert any given CMYK color values to RAL color chart of your choice.



NCS 1950 INDEX Color comparison against RAL Color charts.

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hex to ncs 1950

HEX to RAL converter

Here is a brief overview on how HEX to RAL converter operates:

HEX to RAL rgb conversionOur HEX to RAL converter is simple, yet brilliant tool which is specifically designed to try and match the best fitting color alternative for any given hexadecimal color code.

First of all, we must bring it to you – HEX color notation allows us to generate as much as 16,777,216 different colors. It is clearly impossible to assign a RAL color to each one of them, since we only have a few hundreds of RAL Classic colors (main collection). Even if we throw in RAL Design (additional 1625 different colors) there is still not enough colors to have exact match for all different HEX color variations. So you cannot expect to have different RAL color for any HEX color, that would be like counting to a million on your fingers!

And yet, we can analize RGB decimals using math to pick a reasonably good RAL Alternatives for most of the HEX colors. Which means, that converting HEX to RAL is rather arbitrary process. To do so, we use mathematical algorithm specifically enhanced to take into account how human eye perceives light and color.


To achieve best results, we split your hexadecimal color code into 3 values, that could be treated as RGB vectors. This way we come up with distance in color, that could be compared against our predefined database defining these values for any RAL color ever created. This allows us to calculate closest match between your color and RAL color from any chosen palette (RAL Classic, RAL Design, etc.).

Feel free to browse our predefined collection of conversions between HEX colors and RAL colors to see and decide for yourself, on how well our converter actually works.
The result might actually surprise you!

HEX to RAL conversion chart

The following chart covers essential HEX to RAL conversion points, concerning RAL Classic color collection, which is limited to 215 color shades currently designated for this RAL palette.